In the event that you become unable to make decisions for yourself, the person or people you appoint to make decisions on your behalf become your “Attorney” and they can deal with healthcare providers, financials bodies (including banks) or any other relevant person or company that deals with your affairs. Any person can be appointed… Read More
FAQ - Power of Attorney
What does a Power of Attorney do?
Powers of Attorney are legal documents that allow people to nominate someone they know, for example a member of their family, a close friend or loved one or a business associate, to act on their behalf should they become unable to deal with their own affairs, for example as a result of illness, a degenerative… Read More
My loved one has lost mental capacity and there is no Power of Attorney – what can I do?
Don’t worry, we can help. If there is no Power of Attorney in place, we can apply to the Court of Protection to appoint a Deputy (or Deputies) to deal with your loved one’s affairs. This is a more complicated process than having a Power of Attorney, but the end result is essentially the same. … Read More
How long will it take for me to receive my Power of Attorney?
We expect the timescale for preparation of your Power of Attorney(s) to be in the region of two to four weeks from the time of the first appointment, but if the matter is more complex, it may take more time. We will advise you of the likely timescale when we have confirmed your instructions. The… Read More
How much does making a Power of Attorney cost?
We offer fixed fees for providing a Power of Attorney, but the fee will depend on the type of Power of Attorney you need. Full details of our fixed fees in respect of Powers of Attorney are here