It can sometimes happen that when a loved one’s estate is being administered, there are disagreements between Executors or family members or beneficiaries to the Will about how this should happen. The most common disagreements are: The Executor is not dealing with the estate correctly or in accordance with the terms of the Will People… Read More
Do you have to instruct the Solicitor who has made the Will to obtain the Grant of Probate and administer the estate?
No, you can instruct the Solicitor of your choice and you do not have to use the Solicitor who has drafted the Will. Your Solicitor will notify the Solicitor who is holding the Will that they have been instructed to obtain the Grant of Probate and administer the estate and request they provide a copy… Read More
Who pays the legal fees for obtaining the Grant of Probate and administering the estate?
The legal fees for obtaining the Grant of Probate and administering the estate are paid for from the estate and not by you as the Executor. If you are concerned about the cost to deal with the Grant of Probate and the administration of the estate, please see our costs section or call us on… Read More
Do you always need to apply for a Grant of Probate?
A Grant of Probate is generally needed to administer an estate, but not always. Some banks and building societies will allow you to deal with the money and accounts of your loved one without a Grant of Probate, but this is generally only if the amounts in the accounts are less than £15,000.00. If the… Read More
What if there is no Will? How is the estate administered?
If your loved one died without a Will, the law will determine who will receive the estate according to the law of Intestacy. The law will also determine which of your loved one’s relatives is entitled to administer the estate. These will be called the Administrator rather than the Executor. In the situation where there… Read More
What is involved in the administration of the estate?
The administration of the estate can involve legal, financial and tax issues and can become a complex, lengthy and time-consuming matter. All estates will be different, but administering them will generally include some or all of the following aspects: Identify if there is a valid Will or if there is no Will, identifying who can… Read More