LPA Signing Factsheet3719 Downloads I’ve made my Power of Attorney (LPA) – what do I need to do now? DOWNLOAD
Power of Attorney Factsheet
Power of Attorney Factsheet1123 Downloads Powers of Attorney are legal documents that allow you to nominate someone you know, for example a member of your family, a close friend or loved one, a business associate or a professional person, (e.g. a Solicitor), to act on your behalf. DOWNLOAD
Will Signing Factsheet
Will Signing Factsheet926 Downloads I have made my Will – what do I need to do now? DOWNLOAD
Making a Will Factsheet
Making a Will Factsheet969 Downloads A Will is a formal legal document that allows you to set out how you would like your legal, financial and personal issues be dealt with after your death. DOWNLOAD
Funeral Plan & Financial Planning Factsheet
Funeral Plan & Financial Planning Factsheet971 Downloads Powers of Attorney are legal documents that allow you to nominate someone you know, for example a member of your family, a close friend or loved one, a business associate or a professional person, (e.g. a Solicitor), to act on your behalf. DOWNLOAD
Care Home Fees Factsheet
Care Home Fees Factsheet956 Downloads You may be concerned about the financial implications for you or a loved one moving into a Residential or Nursing Care home. At Leech & Co, we can advise you in relation to your legal rights about when and what you have to pay for residential or nursing care. DOWNLOAD